The Client
CValue – short for ‘consumers see value’ – is a price comparison and product discovery site. Although a few websites exist in this space in India, all of them have different approaches.

CValue seeks to do multiple things:
- List and refer users to the biggest, most popular, best priced Indian e-commerce storefronts.
- Highlight great deals ongoing in various product categories, as well as on different storefronts.
- Help users discover products irrespective of which e-commerce portal sells them with well-mapped product categorization.
- Once a user reaches an actual product page, CValue pulls pricing of that product on any storefronts on which it might exist, allowing the user to compare and select the cheapest vendor.
The Challenge
CValue was initiated based on the conviction that the website’s underlying platform would be powerful and robust. Also, the founders promised agility in functional changes. As the e-commerce space evolved and morphed, they wanted CValue to change with it, and quickly.
The challenge for CValue was figuring out how to glow in an already bright area. Entering the consumer e-commerce space in India today is tricky. Long established players dominate the top search engine spots for thousands of keywords, and they’ve been running massive online and offline ad campaigns for a while now.
With no such unlimited ad spend, despite being a website that actively helps online consumers find great deals, CValue needed to increase visibility, without spending recklessly.
General Data was enlisted to perform end-to-end digital marketing activities for CValue. The edict was simple: help us inform consumers we’re here to help them make better purchase decisions.
To fulfill this, we carried out On-Page & Off-Page Search Engine Optimization activities as well as ran Social Media Marketing campaigns, especially on Facebook.
CValue has over 5,00,000 pages. Clearly, performing On-Page SEO manually would be impossible. We templatized some of the changes we required like Title Tagging & Meta Tagging for most of the website, allowing Google and other engines to crawl the website better and make sense of its content.
We also created over 60 XML Sitemaps to the same effect – to help search engines index the website better. In addition, we requested certain UI changes that the team graciously accepted, and also identified site-load-speed related areas of improvement – another influencer of Search Engine Ranking Position.

Target Keywords
Templatized keyword seeded meta tags on all product page

Link Building
Helps the website to index in search result easily and get more visibility

Social Media Campaigns
To widen the reach and drive more engagement
On Facebook, we set up paid campaigns that primarily sent visitors to product category and deal-related pages on Managing this Social Media campaign meant constantly tweaking it based on performance to ensure we were not unnecessarily overspending on advertisements, and that the ads performed at optimal levels in terms of audience targeting and relevance.

Growth in Number of
Sessions by 270%

Reduction in Bounce
Rate by 4%

Increase in New Users
by 291%

Increase in Organic
Traffic by 326%
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